Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I love having visits from all over ther world. And, the world seems smaller all the time. Please say hello when you visit, I would really enjoy it and I will respond. Thank you so much.


irinapictures said...

Hi! I saw your lifeguard at DSFDF and liked it very much. Then I went to your blog and decided to follow it to see and enjoy more works of yours (I hope it is OK? :-)). As I am a watercolor beginner, the reading of artists' blogs turned out to be extremely pleasant, interesting and useful. Good luck and please go on painting and posting!

Bill Gavin said...

Irina-- Thanks for coming by. Watercolor painting takes a different thought process, light to dark. I likd to get some air into the painting first as a base and this will enhance the colors that are washed on top. The more you paint, the better you will get.

Anonymous said...

Thank you , Bill! I will keep in mind your advice.