Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Know Your Staining Colors

Some of the watercolor paints are staining. This means that they will not lift off the paper. Some might lift more than others—but not totally. This can be handy at times. If you mix Burnt Sienna and Thalo blue and paint a tree trunk, the paint, before dry, can be scraped with a palette knife. The Thalo Blue will stay on the paper while removing the Sienna— leaving a nice texture effect. The same is with Alizarin Crimson. I like to use this for distant skies—once down, it won't move. Play with your colors and don't pick too many. You can always lighten and tone down a color. Try to brighten it and...forget it. Play with your paints until they become your friends. Paint with bright colors!

1 comment:

Autumn Leaves said...

More timely words of wisdom. Thanks Bill.