Click Image To View Larger. I don't know why I called this Kid. It is based on a dog. Playing with color. I think the New Year should bring a different approach.� Watercolor 12" h x 16" w
Click Image To View Larger. This painting scares me a little. I don't know where it came from. I was listening to the song Last Christmas. Oh well...Happy Holidays, or as I like to say Merry Christmas.
Click Image To View Larger. Sometimes one needs a place to go. I wish I could get the colors to be right on the web...either too dark or too light. The original has a greater range. Watercolor 9" h x 12" w
Click Image To View Larger. It's too bad these beautiful birds are killed just because they are not native to the area. Most of the people living there are not native either! This was painted on a paper that I don't think works very well for the way I paint. Watercolor 12" h x 16" w
Click Image To View Larger. Click HERE for the 3 steps I used to paint this. Is it too early to think of Summer? We just got our first snow 4.6" and I do like the snow. But, I also like the sound of the bees and the Chickadees that inhabit this birdhouse. A small painting, smaller than I usually do. Watercolor 4" h x 6" w